
Jul 20, 2016

Java Data types, Variables and Arrays

Course Contents:

  1. Integers
  2. Floating-point
  3. Characters
  4. Boolean
  5. Variables
  6. Declaration
  7. Dynamic initialization
  8. The scope and lifeline of variables
  9. Type casting


A variable is an identifier that denotes a storage location used to store a data value. A variable takes different value at a different time during program execution.

Rules for constructing variable in Java
- They must not begin with a digit.
- Uppercase and lowercase are distinct. This means that Sum is not the same as sum and SUM.

- It should not be a keyword.
- White space is not allowed.
- Variable length can be of any length.

Declaration of variables

A variable must be declared before it is used in the program. Declaration does three things:
1. It tells the compiler what the variable name is.
2. It specifies what types of data the variable will hold.
3. The place of declaration decides the scope of the variable.

Data types

Java is strongly typed language. Ever y variable in java has a data type. Data types represent the size and type of values that can be stored. Java language is rich in data types. The variety of data types available allows the programmer to select the type appropriate to the needs of the

Since java is strongly typed language. In java every variable has a type, every expression has a type, and every type is strictly defined. All assignments are checked f or type compatibility.

There are no automatic conversions of conflicting types as in some language. The java compiler checks all expressions and parameters to ensure that the types are compatible.

Any type mismatches are errors that must be corrected before the compiler will finish compiling the class.

Simple data types

Java defines eight simple or built-in data types. These can be put in four groups. They are:
-  Integers
This group includes byte, short, int and long , which are whole valued signed numbers.

All of these are signed positive and negative values. The range and width of the integer type is given below:

64 (8 byte)
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807
32 (4 byte)
-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,648
16 (2 byte)
-32768 to 32,767
8 (1 byte)
-128 to +127

The smallest integer type is byte. This is a signed 8 bit type. Variable of type byte are useful when working with a stream of data from a network or file. Byte variable are declared by the keyword byte.
e.g. byte b,c;
Here, b and c are variable of type byte.

short is a signed 16-bit type. This is the least used data type in java. This is declared with keyword short e.g. short a; short b; here a and b are variable of type short.

int is a signed 32-bit type and is most commonly used data types in java. It is declared with keyword int.
e.g. int a,b;

It is a signed 64-bit type and is useful for those occasions where and integer type is not large enough to hold the desired value. The range of long is quite large. It is useful when big whole numbers are needed.
e.g. long second, day, month;
- Floating point numbers

Floating numbers are also known as real numbers. This group includes float and double , which represent numbers with fractional precision. These are used when evaluating expressions that require fractional precision. The width and range are given below:
Width in bit Range
64 4.9e-324 to 4.9e+324
32 1.4e-o45 to 1.4e+038

It is a single precision 32-bit type. It is useful when the values are either very large or very small. Variable of this type are useful when we need a fractional component, but not a large no of precision. Floating point variables ar e declared with keyword float.
e.g. flaot x,y;

It is a double precision 64 bit data type. Variables of type double are declared with keyword double.
e.g. double pi, x,y;

- Characters
This group includes char , which represents symbols in a character set, like letters and numbers. This data type is used to represent characters.

- Boolean
Java has a simple type, called Boolean for logical values. It can have only one of two possible values, true and false. This is the type returned by all relational operators.

WAP in java that computes the area of circle
class Area
public static void main(String args[])
double pi, r,a;
System.out.println(“Area of circle is “ + a);

WAP that demonstrate the use of character variable
class CharDemo
Public static void main(String args[])
Char ch1,ch2;
System.out.println(“ch1 and ch2:”);
System.out.println(ch1 + “ “ +ch2);
Ch1 and ch2: X Y

WAP that demonstrate the character variable behave like integers
Class CharDemo1
Public static void main(“String args[])
Char ch1=’X’;
System.out.println(“ch1 contains “ +ch1);
Ch1++; // increment ch1
System.out.println(“ch1 is now “ +ch1);


Ch1 contains X
Ch1 is now Y

Dynamic initialization
Java allows variables to be initialized dynamically, using any expression valid at the time the variable is declared.

WAP that demonstrate the concept of dynamic initialization of variables class
public static void main(String args[])
double a = 3.0 , b = 4.0 ;

// c is dynamically initialized
double c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);

System.out.println( "Hypotenuse is " + c);

This program consists of three local variables a, b and c. The first two a and b are initialized by constants. However, c is initialized dynamically to the result of the expression calculated by the sqrt function defined inside Math class.

Scope and lifetime of variables
Java allows variables to be declared within any block. A block is begin with opening curly brace and ended by a closing curly brace. This block defines the scope. When a new block is created, a new scope is defined. The scope defines the lifetime of a variable. When a variable is declared inside a scope, then they are visible to code that is defined within that scope and lifetime of such variable is within such block.

WAP in java that demonstrate the scope of the variables
class Scope
public static void main(String args[])
int x;
int y=20;
System.out.println("x and y " + x + " " +y);
//y=100; //error y is not defined here.
// x is still known here.
System.out.println("x is " +x);
x abd y 10 20
x is 40

Here, in this program x is declared at the start of the main and its scope and lifetime is within the main. Another variable y is declared within if block and its lifetime and scope is within if block.

Type Casting
In java, a value of one type can be stored into a variable of another type. If the two types are compatible, then java will perform the conversion automatically. For example, we can assign an int value to long variable. However, all types are not compatible and all type conversions are not
allowed implicitly. But it is possible to obtain conversion between incompatible types. To do such operation, we must use casting, which performs an explicit conversion between incompatible types. The process of converting one date type to another is called casting.

Automatic Type conversion
When one type of data is assigned to another type of variable, an automatic type conversion will take place if the following conditions are met:
- The two types are compatible
- The destination type is larger than the source type.
e.g. int type is always large enough to hold all valid byte values, so no explicit cast statement is required.
byte b=15;
int a = b;
is valid statements.

The process of assigning a smaller type to a larger one is known as widening or promotion and that of assigning a larger type to a smaller one is known as narrowing and narrowing might results is loss of information.

short, char, int , long, float, double
int, long, float, double
int, long float, double
long, float, double
float, double
Table: casts that results in no loss of information

Casting incompatible types
In java, when a narrowing conversion is required, the programmer must use cast. A cast is simply an explicit type conversion. The general syntax of casting is target_type variable1 = (target_type) variable2;
Here, in this statement, the variable2 is first converted to target_type and then the resulting value is assigned to the variable1.
int m=15;
byte n = (byte) m; // casting int to byte
long count = m;

WAP that shows the concept of casting
class Auto
public static void main(String args[])
int b=15;
byte a = (byte)b; // casting int to byte
long c = b; // no required to cast because small data is assigned to large variable.


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