is Strictly Pass by Value.
take an example for PRIMITIVE TYPE: Here an int is passed to the
function “change()” as parameter and as a result the change in
the value of that integer is not reflected in the main
method.Because, Java creates a copy of the variable being passed in
the method and then do the manipulations like in c/c++. Hence the
change is not reflected in the main method.
for the object type: In Java, all primitives like int, char, etc are
similar to C/C++, but all non-primitives (or objects of any class)
are always references. So it gets tricky when we pass object
references to methods. Java creates a copy of references and pass it
to method, but they still point to same memory reference. Mean if set
some other object to reference passed inside method, the object from
calling method as well its reference will remain unaffected. Actually
java passes object reference as a value too.